Sunday, December 21, 2008

Come back later maybe

Things have been chaotic, even on the best of days. Rest assured, there IS a fairy and there WILL be a post describing her. I will also describe (sorry) my deteriorating brainal health and my intense desire to trade lives with someone, anyone else. Even six months later, this has proven too much for me.

I will post when I am feeling better. That's not now, obviously. And probably you are wishing I had kept my mouth shut until I had something else to say besides, "I hate everything." I don't know what to say except please lord Jesus get me through Christmas and I will try to feel not like by New Years.



P said...

Thinking of you and sending you a big hug of comfort. Just a few more days until the new year and a fresh start. 2009 will be better. xoxo, P.

Anonymous said...

Hugs and love.

ByJane said...

Thanks for the check-in...

LizLSB said...

It's OK to say you hate everything, if you really really mean it. Love ya!

Catherine said...

Hey, brainal health issues. I understand completely. And hey, opening a new chapter is all well and good, absolutely necessary in fact, but it doesn't mean the effects of stuff that happened not too long ago are gonna stop reverberating into our current Wednesdays and next-weeks and Christmases and such forth. Shit takes time man. Be patient with yourself during your ups and downs. I try to be with mine - don't always succeed, but I know it's fairly sound advice :)

Hugs and well wishes and a cheerful drink with you in mind, as always.