Monday, December 8, 2008

Elevator music

Why do we call it elevator music? When was the last time you were riding in an elevator and had the pleasure of listening to familiar melodies piped into the elevator car as you ascended or descended?

Never, right?

So why do we call it elevator music? Why?

We hear elevator music when we are on hold with the credit card companies or the IRS or the brokerage holding our shrinking IRA accounts. We hear it in department stores but never in department store elevators.

From whence did this term come? Seriously. From whence?

A big step forward has been made in the reclamation process. I have not had the time to describe it yet, but I will describe it on, I think, Wednesday after my first appointment with the archetypal therapist (who thinks and behaves just like a little fairy and has thoughts and opinions similar to those one might expect from one). She is a piece of work and a half. I'll describe her for you Wednesday.




Anonymous said...

I think I already like your little fairy. Certainly I'm happy about new step taken, and I feel like your stars are on their way to lining up just so. I feel a progressive sense of relief for you, and this makes me happy and hopeful.

I'd be so grateful if you might please help a nearly fellow New Yorker find a proofreading/editing certification class? I'm starting to step onto the rocky edge of a cliff. I think there's a rickety bridge I'm sorta cobbling together as I go; I'd love to know your somewhere over there waving at me :)

Evil Twin's Wife said...

I've heard elevator music on an elevator before. But, mostly on hold or in stores in general. That is weird. Can't wait to hear more about the fairy and other adventures. :-)

Kate P said...

I usually call the barely audible music on the phone "hold music," but you raise an interesting point. We still say we "dial" the phone, but we don't have dials anymore.

Anonymous said...

Alrighty, Ms. A., time for a little fairy describing (or something, depending on where your mind is currently). We miss you. Of course, I'm one to talk, my blog has been all but abandoned, but I'm calling extenuating circumstances. Pls write to us. Thank you. <3