Sunday, January 18, 2009

Considering, considering

I miss the old way. The old... place.

I miss it a lot.

I want to go back there. Perhaps not a great idea... but the old place is calling me.

What say you? Shall we go back to where we were?


Grumpy but sweet said...

me too. but with the hope that things get better for you in every way. xo

P said...

I miss hiding things for you in Bryant Park.


Avitable said...

Whatever works for you!

Kate P said...

Go wherever the spirit moves you. :) (Just, uh, don't forget to tell us what you decide!)

Anonymous said...

What Avi said!

LizLSB said...

We're with you, where ever you are, as long as you don't forget to tell us where you are, as Kate said. :)

Anonymous said...

We will follow...

ByJane said...

I've done this circular thing all my life: think I've finished with something and then return to it to--I dunno--do it better or right or with more wisdom. It has worked for me. I should probably end this comment here but being as you're in the lit crit biz, I'll tell you that everytime I think of this circular thing I do, I think of Coleridge and that snake that ate its tail. I'm sure this must be significant but I'm too lazy to figure out why.

Maggie said...

I must confess I preferred the old way to the new way. But of course the choice is yours, and there is no rush to decide, nor any finality in the decision.

Though your other name was *way* easier to pronounce than this is, obvs...

Avitable said...

Happy birthday, gorgeous.

Mr. Bingley said...

Happy Birthday!

Julie said...

Yes, Happy Birthday!

LizLSB said...

So what have you decided? Or did you create a new one and :::pout::: leave me out??

BTW Happy Belated!

Anonymous said...

Where the hell are you?

Anonymous said...

You are being thought of :)

Julie said...

Miss you much.