Friday, January 16, 2009


Just a quick note today: Go see dear Lisa and wish her well. She is one of the bravest, kindest, and smartest people I know. She could use a boost (to put it mildly) so go on over there and give her one.

Things are decidedly better over here - almost good enough that I feel capable and even likely to begin my slavish and groveling campaign to win back the respect and affection of Avitable, whom I have treated monstrously in the last few months. Very badly. Indeed worse even than... well. Perhaps I won't describe it. But if Avi forgives me by the time we both turn a year older (this is not long for either of us, I am certain) I will count myself truly blessed. Because I have behaved... oh forget it. We'll talk about it later.

In other news, of the mind numbingly boring sort, I had the last piece of metal dental work removed from my head today. I now have enough "invested" in my teeth to make dying any younger than, say 90 a complete waste of funds. Ha ha.

Guess I better get on with all that living.




LizLSB said...

Living deliberately because of your teeth is better than living by default any day, in my opinion. :)

Avitable said...

You, my dear, have a birthday in six days. I want to send you something. Email me your address.

I forgive you for whatever trespasses you've imagined!

Anonymous said...

Please email me a snail mail address too, please. Cheering you on as always, glad you're feeling good :)

Maggie said...

I sent Avitable some nice cleavage shots, and that seemed to keep him happy. You should try the same if you think he ever needs placating.

I'm making mittens and thinking of you. Do you have a favorite pattern you'd like to share?